5 Ways Holding Onto Vacant Land Is Costing You In Stockton

Vacant land can be a truly rewarding investment. Holding on to vacant land can also cost you; maybe right away, maybe in the long run. There are annual taxes and potentially property owner’s association fees to consider, not as many tax benefits, cash flow, and property maintenance issues, and market conditions to consider. Call Carisa … Continued

How To Determine The Value of Your Land In Stockton

When you are ready to sell in Stockton, California, how do you determine the value of your land? Use These Three Methods The traditional real estate appraisal process has three common approaches. The first approach is called the Income approach. The appraiser will look at the market rent for other comparable properties to get a … Continued

5 Signs You Are Living In The Wrong House In Stockton

Purchasing a house is a huge commitment. There are a lot of factors that go into the process of finding a new one. You’ve selected a house in Stockton with the must-haves and might have made some compromises, but how do you know you’ve made the right choice?  Buyers Remorse  When you pull into your … Continued

6 Steps To Buying Vacant Land In Stockton

Land can be a great addition to your real estate portfolio! Learn about these 6 steps to buying vacant land in Stockton in our latest post! Whether buying land as an investment or to build on with a home of your own, understanding the process will help clarify expectations, help you know what to look … Continued

How To Sell Your House Without Any Costs In Stockton

Do you feel stuck with a property you no longer want in Stockton? Learn how to sell your house without any costs in our latest post! When you own a house you don’t want, the last thing you want to do is spend more money attempting to sell it. Below, we will outline the costs … Continued