Can You Get Your House In Stockton Back After Foreclosure?

If you’re facing the possibility of foreclosure in the future, perhaps you are wondering can you get your house in Stockton back after foreclosure. After all, you need a place to live! Unfortunately, after the court rules in the favor of your lender and agrees with the lender to proceed with foreclosure, it is very … Continued

The State of the Market for Buyers in Stockton California

Is it still a buyer’s market today in Stockton? As experts in the Stockton real estate market, we get asked this question a lot. The answer isn’t as simple as yes or no. The State of the Market for Buyers in Stockton California First off, it really depends on the property type and location. Single-family … Continued

Giving My House Back To The Bank In Stockton

“I’m behind in payments…will I be giving my house back to the bank in Stockton?” Nobody wants to lose their home. But sometimes financial circumstances turn against you and those financial commitments become simply too much to manage. If your situation progresses too far, you may be forced into the unfortunate situation of having to … Continued

4 Easy Ways To Sell Your Land In Stockton

Do you need to sell your land in Stockton? Finding the right buyer isn’t always as easy as selling a Stockton house. If you need to sell your land fast in Stockton, we can help you learn about the many ways you can sell! It’s no secret that there is a smaller market for land … Continued

How to Find a Good Real Estate Agent in Stockton

Hiring a real estate agent in Stockton can be frustrating. So what are the steps on how to find a good real estate agent in Stockton? Many local large real estate brokers will spend thousands of dollars each month to ensure that their agents are the most visible, whether it be online, in the Yellow Pages, … Continued

What is a Pre-Foreclosure in Stockton?

With millions of homes across the country going into foreclosure, it’s important for both buyers and mortgage holders to understand the process. So what is a pre-foreclosure in Stockton anyway? Many homeowners across America and Stockton are facing difficulties making their monthly mortgage payments. When a homeowner misses 3-6 months of mortgage payments, the lending institution will … Continued